jn体育 化学系历史悠久,综合实力雄厚,是我国具有重要影响的化学教育和研究机构。我们已成功举办了九次青年化学家论坛,并通过论坛交流招聘到十多位优秀青年学者加盟。第十届青年化学家论坛将于2023年12月22日到25日以线下会议形式举行,我们热诚欢迎海内外有理想的青年才俊参加本次论坛,同时欢迎各位加盟jn体育 化学系,我们将努力为各位提供一个实现梦想的平台。
申请人需已获得或将于2023年获得化学或相关学科博士学位。组委会将从申请人中遴选10-15人来杭赴会。jn体育 化学系将为参会者提供往返国际旅费(不超过1500美元,经济舱)以及杭州当地食宿费用。申请材料需包括个人简历(包含已发表论文目录)、3-5篇代表性论文(pdf文件),并请于2023年9月01日之前提交给夏琦老师(E-mail:qxia@zju.edu.cn)。
论坛主办方:jn体育 化学系
附:如果参会者同时希望申请jn体育 化学系独立课题组负责人(Principal Investigator)或加入现有科研团队,请参考化学系网站的招聘信息(http://www.chem.zju.edu.cn/chemcn/2020/0930/c34735a2203974/page.htm)并与陆展教授联系(luzhan@zju.edu.cn)
The 10thYoung Chemists Forum will be held from December 22ndto 25th, 2023. The attendees should hold a Ph.D. (or, expecting a Ph.D. degree in 2023) in the field of chemistry or related fields. About 10-15 young scientists will be selected from the candidates.
The main topics of the Forum include: synthetic chemistry, catalysis and interface chemistry, chemical theory and mechanism, materials chemistry and energy chemistry, chemical metrology, chemical biology, and other frontiers of chemistry.
In order to attend the forum, all the applicants are requested to submit the following application materials before September 1st, 2023, to Ms Qi Xia (Email: qxia@zju.edu.cn). The application materials include CV (publication list should be included) as well as three to five representative papers.
Forum organizer:Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University
Forum Chairman:Prof. Shengming Ma, Prof. Xiaogang Peng
Forum Secretary:Prof. Zhan Lu,Ms Qi Xia
If the conference attendees or applicants are willing to apply for a position as a principal investigator or joining into a research team at the Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, please contact Professor Zhan Lu (Email: luzhan@zju.edu.cn). All the information concerning faculty recruitment could be obtained in the following website:http://www.chem.zju.edu.cn/chemcn/2020/0930/c34735a2203974/page.htm.