jn体育 国际联合学院(海宁国际校区)高级行政管理岗位招聘启事
关于jn体育 jn体育 成立于1897年,是一所历史悠久、声誉著名的高等学府。jn体育 是中国九校联盟(C9)以及环太平洋大学联盟(APRU)等成员单位。关于国际校区为服务国家人才强国战略和创新驱动发展战略,探索融合东西方优势的新的办学模式,加快jn体育 建设世界一流大学进程,jn体育 在海宁建设jn体育 国际联合学院(海宁国际校区)。国际校区是jn体育 的重要组成部分和战略办学基地,国际校区内将设立若干个中外合作办学机构、交叉研究中心和成果转化机构,与世界一流大学开展教育、科研和成果转化的合作。目前,jn体育 -帝国理工学院应用数据科学联合实验室、中国学中心、jn体育 爱丁堡大学联合学院和jn体育 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院已正式成立,国际校区已于2016年9月正式开学。国际校区校园占地1200亩,总建筑面积约40万平方米。 为加快推进国际校区建设,现面向国内外公开招聘高级行政管理人员,我们将提供广阔的江南app体育官方网站登录 平台和具有市场竞争力的薪酬,竭诚欢迎海内外优秀人才加盟jn体育 国际校区,共创辉煌! 招聘岗位一:jn体育 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院副院长岗位说明jn体育 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院副院长是jn体育 国际联合学院(海宁国际校区)全职行政管理岗位,拟面向国内外招聘,聘期四年。工作地点在jn体育 海宁国际校区,该校区离杭州约70公里。目前,海宁至杭州的城际铁路项目已正式开工建设,预计将于2020年年底前建成通车。岗位职责1. 负责学院行政管理队伍的建设;2. 负责学院财务预算与管理工作;3. 负责学院招生和宣传等行政管理工作;4. 负责与国际校区以及学校相关职能部门沟通和协调。岗位要求1. 全职从事行政管理工作;2. 具有工科博士学位或副高以上专业技术职务;3. 具有较丰富的行政管理经验,有三年以上相关岗位工作经历;4. 具有国外学习、工作或中外合作办学机构的工作经历,有熟练的英语交流能力。薪酬福利学校将提供良好的薪酬和社保待遇,具体情况面议。应聘方式应聘者请将申请材料发送至 hr.intl@zju.edu.cn· 个人简历· 工作设想申请截止日期:2017年2月20日咨询电话:0571-87572127 招聘岗位二:国际校区人力资源部部长岗位说明人力资源部部长是jn体育 国际联合学院(海宁国际校区)全职行政管理岗位,拟面向国内外招聘,聘期四年。工作地点在jn体育 海宁国际校区,该校区离杭州约70公里。目前,海宁至杭州的城际铁路项目已正式开工建设,预计将于2020年年底前建成通车。岗位职责1. 负责制订和实施国际校区人力资源战略发展规划;2. 负责国际校区组织机构建设和教职工队伍建设;3. 负责与国际校区各联合学院以及学校相关职能部门进沟通和协调相关人事政策;4. 负责人力资源部日常行政管理工作。岗位要求1.全职从事行政管理工作;2.具有博士学位或副高以上专业技术职务,原则上应为中共党员;3.具有丰富的人力资源管理和人才工作经验,有三年以上相关岗位工作经历。4.具有国外学习、工作或中外合作办学机构的工作经历,有熟练的英语交流能力;薪酬福利学校将提供良好的薪酬和社保待遇,具体情况面议。应聘方式应聘者请将申请材料发送至 hr.intl@zju.edu.cn· 个人简历· 工作设想申请截止日期:2017年2月20日咨询电话:0571-87572127 招聘岗位三:国际校区科研与技术转化部部长岗位说明国际联合学院科研与技术转化部部长是jn体育 国际联合学院(海宁国际校区)全职行政管理岗位,拟面向全球招聘,聘期四年。工作地点在jn体育 海宁国际校区,该校区距离杭州约70公里。目前,海宁至杭州的城际铁路项目已正式开工建设,预计将于2020年年底前建成通车。岗位职责1. 负责制订国际校区产学研合作发展战略和科技成果转化政策措施;2. 负责做好各级各类科研项目的组织申报及其经费管理工作;3. 负责国际校区研究基地、重点实验室以及产学研合作基地等研究平台的申报、建设和管理;4. 负责组织国际校区科技成果和知识产权的申报奖励、成果展示发布、推广与转化服务等工作。岗位要求1.全职从事行政管理工作;2.具有理工农医类学科博士学位或副高以上专业技术职务;3.具有较强的科研管理及产学研合作能力,有三年以上相关岗位工作经历。4.具有国外学习、工作或中外合作办学机构的工作经历,有熟练的英语交流能力;薪酬福利学校将提供良好的薪酬和社保待遇,具体情况面议。应聘方式应聘者请将申请材料发送至 hr.intl@zju.edu.cn· 个人简历· 工作设想申请截止日期:2017年2月20日咨询电话:0571-87572127International Campus, Zhejiang University Senior Executive Position Announcement To ensure timely development and establishment of the International Campus, we are searching to fill the following senior executive positions. An excellent work environment for career development and competitive compensation package will be provided to attract highly qualified professionals to join the International Campus. POSITION I. Deputy Dean ofZhejiang University/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute (ZJU-UIUC Institute) Job DescriptionThe Deputy Dean of ZJU-UIUC Institute is a full-time administrative position. The initial appointment will be for 4 years. It is open to qualified applicants from China and abroad. Responsibilities• Develop and manage administrative officeof ZJU-UIUC Institute.• Manage budget and financial matters of ZJU-UIUC Institute.• Promote ZJU-UIUC Institute programs and administerstudent recruitment activities• Communicate and coordinate with relevant International Campus offices Qualifications• Ability to assume a full-time administrative position• A Doctoral degree in engineering or related fields• An engineering background plusrelevant work experience of three or more years in administration and management.• Experience in studying or working abroad, or working at academic institutions that are established and operated through collaboration between universities in China and other countries. Excellent command of English. Salary & BenefitsThe Campus will provide competitive salary and benefits, including social and medical insurances, commensurate with qualifications and experience. ApplicationTo apply, please email the following documents tohr.intl@zju.edu.cn• Anapplication letter expressing yourinterest in the position andstating yourprospective work plan• ResumeClosing Date:February20, 2017 Inquiry: 0571-87572127 POSITION II. Director of Office of Human Resource Job DescriptionThe Director of Office of Human Resource is a full-time administrative position. The initial appointment will be for 4 years. It is open to qualified applicants from China and abroad. Responsibilities• Carry out daily administrative and management operations of the Office of Human Resources• Develop human resource strategy for the International Campus• Design organizational structure and implement faculty development plan for the International Campus• Communicate and coordinate personnel policies with ZJU-UoE Institute, ZJU-UIUC Institute, Institute of China Studies, andother related units of Zhejiang University Qualification• Ability to assume a full-time administrative position• A Doctoral degree in related fields• Three or more years of work experience in human resource development and management • Experience in studying or working abroad, or working at academic institutions that are established and operated through collaboration between universities in China and other countries. Excellent command of English. Salary & BenefitsThe Campus will provide competitive salary and benefits, including social and medical insurances, commensurate with qualifications and experience. ApplicationTo apply, please email the following documents to hr.intl@zju.edu.cn• An application letter expressing your interest in the position and stating your prospective work plan• ResumeClosing Date:February20, 2017Inquiry: 0571-87572127 POSITION III. Director of Office of Scientific Research and Technology Transfer Job DescriptionThe Director ofOffice of Scientific Research and Technology Transfer is a full-time administrative position. The initial appointment will be for 4 years. It is open to qualified applicants from China and abroad. Responsibilities• Formulate and implementplans for scientific research, Campus/industry partnership, and technology management and transfer• Administer pre-award research proposal developmentand submission, as well as post-award management• Support the development ofCampus research infrastructure/facilities, key laboratories, and industry-universitycollaborative activities• Prepare and submit applications and nominations for research awards and recognitions, publicize technological achievements, protect and market intellectual properties, and license technology transfers Qualification• Ability to assume a full-time administrative position• A Doctoral degree in science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, or related fields• Three or more years of work experience in research management and university corporate relations• Experience in studying or working abroad, or working at academic institutions that are established and operated through collaboration between universities in China and other countries. Excellent command of English. Salary & BenefitsThe Campus will provide competitive salary and benefits, including social and medical insurances, commensurate with qualifications and experience. ApplicationTo apply, please email the following documents to hr.intl@zju.edu.cn• An application letter expressing your interest in the position and stating your prospective work plan• ResumeClosing Date:February20, 2017Inquiry: 0571-87572127 About Zhejiang UniversityFounded in 1897, Zhejiang University (ZJU) is one of China's oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education. It is a member of the C9 League in China and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities(APRU). About the International CampusTo explore new models of higher education that combine the best practices of the east and west, learn from world's advanced educational experiences, and cultivate talents with innovative minds and international leadership vision, Zhejiang University began to develop its International Campus in February, 2013. It was granted approval from China’s Ministry of Education in October, 2015. Zhejiang University seeks to cooperate with several the world class universities through establishing joint institutes. Currently, ZJU-Imperial College London Joint Laboratory for Applied Data Science is in operation. In addition, the Institute of China Studies, ZJU-University of Edinburgh Institute, and ZJU-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute have been formally established.The Campus welcomed its first freshman class in September, 2016. The International Campus, covering a land area of approximately 80 hectares, is located in Haining City, Zhejiang Province.Its buildings have a total floor area of 399,300 square meters.Haining City is approximately 70 kilometers from Hangzhou City. The Haining-Hangzhou Inter-city Railway is currently under construction. It is scheduled to be completed before the end of 2020.